Preserving your legacy should be pleasant and simple – even cathartic.
Through our collaborative process we make this journey accessible and fun!
“You did an amazing job to capture [my friend] the way she was… It brought tears to my eyes. Tears of joy! Thank you so much for this priceless document!”
– Thomas Craemer
What We Do
First we get to know you and your story. For 2-3 hours we meet with you
in a comfortable location of your choice to learn about your life, your family,
your hobbies, your history and the things you care about. We discuss the
kind of legacy video you want made, the goals and bounds of what you want
to capture, as well as style and tone.
Then, we wait a week or so to give you time to process, reflect and feel
ready for the next step. Based on our conversation, our team will come up
with a list of interview questions that will best capture the story you want
told on the day of your interview. Meanwhile, you will sort the family photos,
keepsakes and/or home videos you want included in your memoir film.
Next, our team will return for a day of filming. Our professional
cinematographer and sound engineer will set up lights and cameras, making
sure your memoir film has the highest possible quality of picture and sound.
Then we just talk! The interviewer and interviewee have a 3 or 4 hour
unrehearsed conversation, easy, comfortable, there isn’t any pressure and
you’ll be surprised how quickly the time goes by!
After the interview we collect some footage of you going about your daily
life, as well as sharing keepsakes, mementos or photographs with the
Allow 10 to 12 weeks for us to edit your interview with our state of the art
editing software and we will return to you a broadcast quality documentary
of your story, complete with the music of your choice.
What We Deliver
Each video memoir will be digitized and put on line in a private, downloadable,
password protected video link with it’s own personalized website, such as this one. You will also receive SD cards with back ups of the footage filmed for your memoir. Although DVDs provide lower quality images, a DVD of your video memoir can also be produced if you wish.

What It Costs

We believe in giving you a set price for your video memoir so you know from the outset what your legacy preservation will cost. We offer several price packages that vary based on factors such as how many photos you wish to include, how many days of filming you require and if you want multiple edits of varying lengths for your legacy film.
Contact us today for a list of pricing options.
Also through our Borderlands Stories Preservation Project you can support legacy memoirs for low income border residents and help us preserve vital oral histories from the border region. Click here to learn more.