Every life story is important. We want to help tell your story.
Create a personalized video memoir and preserve your legacy.
Desert Memoirs is founded on the belief that every person is incredible. We believe the relationships you have formed, your experiences, your passions and triumphs, struggles and tragedies deserve to be preserved. Through our collaborative process we work with you to tell the story of your life by assembling interviews, music, photos, home video and mementos into a broadcast-quality documentary film for your children, family and friends to cherish.

A Celebration Of Your Parents. A Legacy For Your Loved Ones.

The gift of a legacy memoir film is a unique way to tell a beloved parent, relative or friend you treasure their life. It is a way to ensure their story will endure and for future generations to know and appreciate the lives of those who came before.
A memoir film is also a gift to your descendants. Your life has meaning that can resonate for generations. By acknowledging your history you create connections that link you to those who follow. A legacy video is a gift to your children and grandchildren that can give them a sense of identity and heritage grounded in your life.
Learn more about our process here or contact us for a quote and begin your legacy journey today.